Atlantic Canada Student Leadership Conference 2018


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Feb 11, 2018 12:00 AM

We are excited to announce that Global Brigades will be hosting the annual Global Brigades Atlantic Canada Student Leadership Conference at the University of New Brunswick, in Fredericton, NB! We hope that you're able to join us for a weekend filled with discussions, presentations and networking. The conference will be a great opportunity to meet fellow student leaders, staff, alumni, and continue to strengthen the GB family on the East Coast.

Registration includes a t-shirt, water bottle, GB swag, all meals on Friday, Saturday, Sunday (including a semi-formal catered turkey dinner), keynote speaker (TO BE ANNOUNCED), a jam packed itinerary filled with information about Global Brigades and sustainable development, and tons of networking opportunities with GB Alumni, GB staff, GB Canada board members, special guests, and fellow student leaders! This option would be best for those who have their own accommodations in Fredericton, or for those who would like to stay with a local student for the weekend (on a first come first serve basis).

Registration includes all of the above PLUS two nights of accommodations at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

100% Complete (success)

of $0.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

No volunteers for this initiative.
Daniel Im donated $50 2551 days ago
Anonymous donated $50 2553 days ago
Sergio Garrido donated $160 2553 days ago
Victoria Nelson donated $50 2554 days ago
Amy Lee donated $80 2555 days ago

No photos for this initiative.

No videos for this initiative.