aaron sutter


Passionate About:

A forward thinking, fair society that aspires to justice and respects nature over wealth.







Highlighted Initiative

Rebuild Nepal: May 17 - 26

aaron's Message

Following my visit to join Concious Impact volunteering in Takure, I would like to retrospectively fund raise for their cause. I have seen first hand their valuable and sustainable contribution to the earthquake relief and I am humbled by their long term endeavor to support this particular community long after their plight is disregarded by the media. With enough support, similar projects can be rolled out further afield both in Nepal and internationally where they are needed. I trust in the management and I am inspired by a community that fosters positivity so effectively that a challenging project like this is possible. There is a lot to be learned from this experience should you decide to get physically involved. Otherwise all donations are gratefully received. Check out their website for more info. Thank you.

Volunteer Activity Description

Join us as we continue our work in Takure, helping to rebuild schools and serve the local community during the sunny summer months. It will be nice and warm as we continue to work towards our goal of rebuilding the two Takure schools! We will also be planting and preparing our agricultural center for monsoon season. After a morning of hard work, hike with us down to the school to participate in our after school program or spend an afternoon inside a community member's home listening to stories.

0% Complete (success)

of $2,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

36% Complete (success)

of 25

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
aaron sutter joined Rebuild Nepal: May 17 - 26 3200 days ago
aaron sutter joined Empowered.org 3200 days ago
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