Alvaro Vera

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador

Passionate About:

All funds raised on this page will directly support rebuilding Alvaro's family's home in Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador.

Read Alvaro's story below and see how you can help make a difference.







Highlighted Initiative

Bahia de Caraquez Earthquake Relief

Alvaro's Message

Alvaro is 16 years old, and is in his second year of high school, he has been chosen as the class president due to his leadership skills and trustworthiness. Alvaro has been very committed to GSE’s activities since the program was started in his school. He has showed a lot of hard work and initiative, often staying over hours and doing green house maintenance during his free time. Alvaro loves soccer and spending time at the beach. Alvaro has struggled for most of his life, trying to do his best in the school while at the same time working sporadically to help his family economically.
Alvaro has a family of 6, his dad José Vera, his mom Amparo Piguave, his grandfather Mauro Piguave, 19 year old brother Mauro Valderramos and his 13 year old brother Andy Vera.
Alvaro’s dad has not been able to work for almost a year now, his diabetes led to blindness. This makes it also hard for her mom to find employment out of home, since there is the need of someone in the house to take care of her husband, she works washing the clothes of other people to make a living. Luckily Alvaro’s grandfather and older brother work in carpentry, getting work from time to time. Their already quite deteriorated home has been greatly damaged by the earthquake. All of the pillars had either been sunk or broken. In such economic conditions they cannot afford rebuilding it. For now they sleep in the backyard and spend the day in the facilities of the extended family.

Fundraising Campaign Description

On April 16th a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Bahia de Caraquez and other coastal cities of Ecuador. GSE's local 7 person staff team have worked hard since then providing emergency relief and shelter to the most vulnerable members of Bahia and surrounding communities. The year round work of this team is environmental education and to reforest native trees. To date we have planted more than 60,000 trees. After the tragedy of the earthquake and the catastrophic damage, we have shifted to focus on bamboo building, counseling and play therapy for children in refugee camps. We also continue to maintain 36,000 trees planted in the past 2 years.

Bamboo construction is an excellent solution because guadua bamboo is native to the most destroyed region, it is an ecologically sustainable material, and with the proper training and treatment it can be a long lasting, beautiful and extremely cheap building material. Our demonstration shelter and house building project involves training local builders, collaboration for sustainable harvest with people in the country side and skills training for teenagers.

Please help fund our relief work and thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of $0.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

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fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
John Mitchell donated $100.0000 to Alvaro 3105 days ago
Marika Demetz donated $50.0000 to Alvaro 3123 days ago
Olivia E. Wolfram donated $15.0000 to Alvaro 3124 days ago
Tyler J Rose donated $50.0000 to Alvaro 3133 days ago
Lauren Curley donated $50.0000 to Alvaro 3134 days ago
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