Bethel Yeshiwas

Charlottesville, Virginia

Passionate About:

I'm passionate about helping people, especially people that have suffered through a series of unfortunate events. I'm passionate about the field of neuroscience and the doors it could open for people suffering with neurological disorders. Hopefully, some day I'll open some of those doors myself.







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End Date: Mar 16, 2013 12:00 AM
Volunteer Activity Message

Medical Brigade volunteers will set up temporary clinics in pre-identified communities in Eastern Panama to provide healthcare where access is limited. Each community receives a brigade every 3-4 months. Students on the brigade are given the opportunity to shadow licensed health care professionals while learning about local Panamanian culture. A typical Medical/Dental Brigade clinic consists of six stations: Intake, Triage, Consultation, Dental, Charla (health education), and Pharmacy. Electronic patient records are collected during the brigade to ensure patient follow-up as well as to monitor overall community health trends. Between brigades, the in-country team maintains relationships with the communities to provide follow-up and conduct community health worker training aimed at empowering local leaders to perpetuate a consistent level of health care. For every student who volunteers on a Global Medical Brigade, sixty patients can see a doctor who otherwise would not be able to.

Volunteer Goals

Program Goal: $0.00 / Airfare Goal: $0.00

[Org. Admin] Nancy Amador donated $-214

Saying "Mistake on transfer"

Apr 09, 2013 06:08 PM

[Org. Admin] Nancy Amador donated $107

Saying "Transferred to club account"

Apr 09, 2013 06:07 PM

Rachel Linkous donated $45

Feb 19, 2013 09:59 PM

Anonymous donated $200

Saying "Betty, I am very proud of your effort and good luck with your project.
I love you! Elsi"

Feb 19, 2013 09:29 AM

ELIAS YEMANE donated $250

Feb 14, 2013 07:26 AM

Patti Curtis donated $25

Saying "Good luck, have fun, and be safe!"

Feb 11, 2013 12:56 PM

tejitu mengistu donated $50

Feb 09, 2013 09:39 PM

Lulseged Alemayehu donated $100

Feb 07, 2013 10:10 AM

maruye ayalew donated $50

Saying "very important for less fortunate. "

Feb 04, 2013 08:28 PM

Yeshiwas Ayele donated $50

Feb 02, 2013 10:21 AM

Meswaet Belachew donated $20

Jan 29, 2013 03:29 PM

Lishan Kassa donated $50

Saying "I admire your passion please keep it up."

Jan 29, 2013 03:32 AM

Bethel Yeshiwas donated $445

Jan 28, 2013 11:58 AM

Wobitu Degefu donated $30

Jan 22, 2013 12:33 PM

Yodit Desta donated $50

Jan 18, 2013 09:22 AM

Bethel Yeshiwas donated $250

Jan 17, 2013 02:52 PM

Melanie Morris donated $25

Jan 14, 2013 07:11 AM

100% Complete (success)

of $1,533.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

90% Complete (success)

of 20

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal