Celina Selvathambi


Passionate About:

Ever since I was a kid I've always wanted to help people, as cliche as it sounds. I knew that I just wanted to travel the world and help as many people as I could. I've seen the struggles of those in poverty who did not have access to proper medical care, and I've seen how that affects families, mentally, leaving them to wonder "what if we had more help?". Seeing how strongly the "what if's" can affect someone made me realize that I want to help people. Being there for those who need medical care, so they will never have to wonder if they can get the help needed, to save a loved one would mean the world to me. Going on this Peru trip will be my first step as an adult, to be able to travel and help people which means everything to me.







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VAW Virginia Medical Outreach trip to Peru, June 2021

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