Corine Olarte


Passionate About:

My passion and appreciation for dance, Hispanic culture, and creating a welcoming community is beyond words. Through Movement Exchange, I will be part of a group of international volunteers to teach dance to the youth in Panama while promoting community engagement and creative expression. I cannot wait to take one step closer to changing the world and myself to become better than the day before and to become dedicated to something worthwhile!







Highlighted Initiative

July 14-21 International Dance Exchange to Panama

Corine's Message

Thank you so much to everyone who donates! I cannot express my immense gratitude to you enough.

Volunteer Activity Description

Welcome to Panama! Movement Exchange is organizing its 10th annual open international dance exchange to Panama this summer from July 14-21, 2019. This 8-day exchange will be full of dancing, learning, and MOVING TO CHANGE!

48% Complete (success)

of $890.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Hannah Knight donated $10.0000 to Corine 2097 days ago
Hannah Stoltz donated $5.0000 to Corine 2099 days ago
Hung Phan donated $30.0000 to Corine 2103 days ago
Melissa Olarte donated $30.0000 to Corine 2105 days ago
Jennie Yearick donated $50.0000 to Corine 2116 days ago
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