Niki Hofslien

Madison, WI

Passionate About:

Using dance as a form of communication and to create relationships between strangers.







Highlighted Initiative

Movement Exchange at UW-Madison: Panama 2018

Niki's Message

As current president of UW-Madison's chapter of Movement Exchange I am deeply connected to this organization. I recently graduated from UW-Madison with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Dance and a certificate in Pilates. I am inspired by the use of dance as a form of communication and the power that it can have to create relationships between people. Our chapter is currently raising funds to travel to Panama in May to teach dance to children in underserved communities, take class and teach at the University of Panama, and discover the cultural fabric of Panama through its dance traditions. I am currently fundraising $1,390 for the exchange, the donation not only covers my lodging, food, and in-country transportation, but also supports sustainable dance education by funding weekly dance classes at Movement Exchange’s five partner locations in Panama. No donation is too small! Thank you so much for your support!

Volunteer Activity Description

Movement Exchange at UW-Madison will be going to Panama to serve through dance during their spring break.

23% Complete (success)

of $1,390.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 3

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Chad and Laura Hofslien donated $50.0000 to Niki 2528 days ago
Teresa and Jon Aspeslet donated $75.0000 to Niki 2529 days ago
Paul Hofslien donated $100.0000 to Niki 2529 days ago
Judy Hofslien donated $100.0000 to Niki 2534 days ago
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