Lauren Burns

Munice, IN

Passionate About:

I am passionate about reaching a larger community through my love of dance. Dance has been a huge part of my life and is something I am incredibly thankful for. It is a universal language that should and can be shared with anyone and everyone!







Highlighted Initiative

Move-Ex at BSU International Dance Exchange to Panama March 5th-12th

Lauren's Message

Hello! I'm Lauren and I am the president of Movement Exchange at Ball State. We are a non-profit organization that combines dance and service through teaching free classes within the community. It is our mission to travel to Panama on an actual Movement Exchange where we can not only teach dance but also take classes and dive into Panamanian culture. I have been a part of this organization all four years of my college career and going to Panama has always been a personal goal. Now it is officially happening during our spring break, and you support means so much!

Move to Change!!

Volunteer Activity Description

Help us fundraise for our international dance exchange to Panama this Spring, March 5th-12th!

18% Complete (success)

of $1,390.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 9

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Lauren Burns donated $28.0000 to Lauren 1197 days ago
Julie Hinkle donated $40.0000 to Lauren 1198 days ago
Susan Voke donated $100.0000 to Lauren 1215 days ago
Guest User donated $50.00 to Lauren 1215 days ago
Emily Earle donated $10.0000 to Lauren 1215 days ago
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