Meg Kissack

Passionate About:







Highlighted Initiative

Cardiff Water Brigade, June 2012, Ghana

Meg's Message

Amongst other things, I will be doing a three day sponsored silence (dates to come) to raise money for this worthwhile cause. Each individual who goes on the Water Brigade, will be having a massive direct impact on over a hundred lives.

Volunteer Activity Description

Water Brigades volunteers assist in designing and implementing water systems to prevent water-related illnesses in communities with limited access to clean water. With a sufficient quantity of properly treated water community members can cut off the connection between water and illness and ultimately live healthier more productive lives. Our in-country team members work with water experts and community leaders to design rainwater harvesting systems to serve schools and communities. Once the water system is blueprinted, volunteers work side-by-side with community members to build the project, implement water filtration solutions, teach about water collection and filtration methods and organize community water counsels and school water clubs to maintain the project. Between brigades our in-country team follows up in the community to ensure long-term sustainability and continued functionality of the project. Additionally Water Brigades and its volunteers provide education and training so that the community can properly administer, operate, and maintain their water system. In collaboration with Medical Brigades and Microfinance Brigades, Water is working to identify communities with the most need. With a holistic approach to development we plan to continue working with communities to improve their health and standard of living through the most fundamental resource on the planet, water.

A 10 day Water Brigade provides volunteers with the opportunity to make a tangible impact to improve water access and quality in under-resourced communities while getting hands-on experience in the field of engineering, global health and sustainable development.

99% Complete (success)

of £550.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

46% Complete (success)

of 15

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Meg Kissack donated £397.00 to Meg Kissack 4647 days ago
Meg Kissack donated £397.00 to Meg Kissack 4647 days ago
MR DAVID J HENDY donated £2.5000 to Meg 4744 days ago
MR DAVID J HENDY donated £2.5000 to Meg 4744 days ago
Meg Kissack donated £150.00 to Meg Kissack 4745 days ago
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