Tatiana Javier

where the wild things are

Passionate About:

people and places







Highlighted Initiative

December 2016

Tatiana's Message

Queridos mios,

I'm packing a bag (and tent) and heading back to Asia. Nepal this time. In my younger years, I travelled mostly to tame my curiosity. But when you find yourself trapped in a room with a bat demonstrating irrational behavior, you have to stop and ask yourself WHAT AM I DOING HERE? It’s a question I asked myself often. The normal response: I don’t know, ya know?

Anyway, now I know. I’m here to do something…hopefully something meaningful and impactful and self-sacrificing because it’s not about me. It’s about people in places that could use a hand.

So this month, I’ll be doing that in Takure, a village outside of Katmandu. They are a crafty people who make their own eco-friendly bricks. And they need hands to rebuild in the wake of last year's earthquake. The goal is to build a women’s community center. Guys, you know me—how perfect is that?!

I know I’m the epitome of first-world, hash-tag blessed, but you should also know I’m crazy thankful for everyone who continuously supports me on these wild adventures.

So I am covering my travel costs and raising funds to help with construction costs/land fees. Please feel free to commission me for any type of work to help me raise moneys. Really, I make all sorts of things!


Volunteer Activity Description

Join us this winter as we continue our work in Takure, Sindhupalchok where 99% of all buildings fell in the 2015 earthquakes. The Takure Training & Production Center will producing earth blocks for home reconstruction. There will be lots of work to make bricks, move resources for rebuilding, and participate in our Agriculture & Education programs.

4% Complete (success)

of $2,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

30% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Alexis Ferguson donated $20.0000 to Tatiana 3001 days ago
Robin Nestler donated $50.0000 to Tatiana 3004 days ago
Simi Santoro donated $25.0000 to Tatiana 3004 days ago
Tatiana Javier joined December 2016 3005 days ago
Tatiana Javier joined Empowered.org 3005 days ago
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