zakiya Johnson

tempe, Arizona

Passionate About:

I am most passionate about learning how to combine dance and service in my journey to serve humanity!







Highlighted Initiative

Open Exchange to Brazil 2018

zakiya's Message

Hello! I have been accepted to serve in Brazil with Movement Exchange! Movement Exchange envisions a world where dance education is accessible to all, dance is synonymous to service, and dance enables all to achieve their optimal mental, social, and physical well-being. I am currently focused on obtaining my dance degree with a minor in psychology at Arizona State University. After I finish my undergrad, I plan to further my education in psychology. My end goal is to establish a community dance space focused on physical,spiritual, and mental health. Movement exchange unites dance and service through its network of university chapters, international dance exchanges, and year-round programs in underserved communities. If given this nontraditional opportunity I will be able to further my education this summer in Rio de Janeiro learning dance pedagogy, and child development. By uniting dance and service, I will be changing the world one community at a time. Thank you so much for any donation made. Even a little will go a long way!

Activities Planned:
Teaching in the communities of Pavao and Pavazinho.
Around 25 children between the ages of 5 and 12 years old will be participating in our dance program each morning.
Botanical Gardens of Rio de Janeiro to learn about the flora and fauna of Rio.
Visit neighborhoods in the hills of Rio.
I have also recently contacted the Bahai's and should hear from them soon!

Volunteer Activity Description

Welcome to Rio de Janeiro! Movement Exchange is organizing its second international dance exchange to Brazil this summer from July 28th-August 6th, 2018. This 10-day and 9-night open exchange will be full of dancing, learning, growing, discovering, and connection. Dancers from all over the U.S. will teach youth, learn traditional dances, and perform with Brazilian dancers and artists. Support our dance diplomats who will be traveling to Brazil this summer and MOVE TO CHANGE!

100% Complete (success)

of $2,500.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

70% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Guest User donated $1.00 to zakiya 2476 days ago
Irina Rahimi donated $50.0000 to zakiya 2511 days ago
Brian & Deborah Wittman donated $100.0000 to zakiya 2515 days ago
Rahz Saeed donated $25.0000 to zakiya 2516 days ago
Guest User donated $100.00 to zakiya 2516 days ago
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