Ashley Blasi


Passionate About:

Global outreach, medical professions, and sustainability







Highlighted Initiative

VAW Bronx Global Health Outreach trip to Guatemala, March 2019

Ashley's Message

Dear friends and family,
Can you envision a land where children’s growth is stunted from malnutrition, healthcare is inaccessible to a significant rural population, and nearly 70% of the population lives in poverty? I want to share with you a challenging opportunity God has presented to me. Instead of going on vacation this spring break I will be going to Guatemala on a 9 day medical mission trip with my jesuit university to improve health conditions and devote time to serving the local people. We will be completing several projects:

-Building a latrine and compost box
-Building a water recycle and filter
-Educating families and communities on health, sanitation, and sustainability

I'm excited about the opportunity and experience that lie ahead. I hope you see the value in what we will accomplish!

Thank you and much love and blessings,

Volunteer Activity Description

Join the VAW Bronx chapter as they lead a Global Health Outreach trip to Guatemala this upcoming spring! Volunteers will work during one week with families in communities to implement and build sustainable healthy living solutions such as compost boxes, recycled water and water filtration systems, family gardens and latrines. It is a truly unique experience that allows you to work in a sustainable project while being immersed in a foreign culture. If you’re interested in joining, contact us for more information!

VAW at Bronx will be working with families to implement sustainable, healthy living solutions in local communities during their time in Guatemala.

**Note: airfare goal will be updated once flights are purchased, tentatively the week of December 18-21


Thank you for your support!

45% Complete (success)

of 20

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Live Feed
Ashley Blasi donated $50.0000 to Ashley 2233 days ago
Ashley Blasi donated $400.0000 to Ashley 2269 days ago
Shannon R Blasi donated $100.0000 to Ashley 2293 days ago
M L Alexander donated $300.0000 to Ashley 2302 days ago
Margaret Blasi donated $483.0000 to Ashley 2306 days ago
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