Ashley Blasi


Passionate About:

Global outreach, medical professions, and sustainability







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End Date: Mar 24, 2019 12:00 AM
Volunteer Activity Message

Join the VAW Bronx chapter as they lead a Global Health Outreach trip to Guatemala this upcoming spring! Volunteers will work during one week with families in communities to implement and build sustainable healthy living solutions such as compost boxes, recycled water and water filtration systems, family gardens and latrines. It is a truly unique experience that allows you to work in a sustainable project while being immersed in a foreign culture. If you’re interested in joining, contact us for more information!

VAW at Bronx will be working with families to implement sustainable, healthy living solutions in local communities during their time in Guatemala.

**Note: airfare goal will be updated once flights are purchased, tentatively the week of December 18-21

Volunteer Goals

Program Goal: $1,595.00 / Airfare Goal: $512.00 / Materials Fund Goal: $100.00

Ashley Blasi donated $50

Feb 01, 2019 04:21 PM

Ashley Blasi donated $400

Dec 27, 2018 06:19 PM

Shannon R Blasi donated $100

Saying "We are so proud of you!! We love you very much!!! Love, Mom & Dad xoxo"

Dec 03, 2018 03:23 PM

M L Alexander donated $300

Nov 24, 2018 05:56 PM

Margaret Blasi donated $483

Nov 20, 2018 08:56 PM

Ashley Blasi donated $100

Nov 13, 2018 03:46 PM

Sharon Pedroncelli donated $200

Saying "So proud of you Ashley! May God protect you on this mission to make a difference in the world."

Nov 12, 2018 02:55 PM

Jennifer finch donated $100

Nov 11, 2018 01:10 PM

Mindy McQueen donated $100

Saying "Praying God goes before the team and smooths the way for serving many!"

Nov 11, 2018 02:02 AM

Lynn M Kostel donated $50

Saying "Ashley, I am proud of what you are doing. "

Nov 10, 2018 06:21 PM

Bianca M. Harle donated $25

Saying "Hi Ashely, I worked with you mom; I lived in central America and it was an amazing experience for me. I know that this journey will expand you on so many levels. Travel safe and have an incredible adventure!"

Nov 10, 2018 02:31 PM

Krista Gessing donated $50

Saying "You are always making your mama proud! Keep it up!
Krista Gessing"

Nov 10, 2018 05:34 AM

Ashley Blasi donated $250

Nov 09, 2018 02:53 PM


Thank you for your support!

45% Complete (success)

of 20

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal