Caja Uniforms- Honduras


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Sep 1, 2013 12:00 AM

The Microfinance program collaborates with local community leaders to set up a community-banking model made up of 10-20 community members. The bank provides community members with access to loans, savings accounts, financial education and investment opportunities in order to improve the overall economic situation of the community. The Microfinance team trains Community bank leaders on their specific function and general financial concepts related to the banking model.
The goal of the Caja Rural (community bank) is to be a mechanism for social and economic change within the community. Bank leaders are role models and educators within the community and perpetuate the importance of savings and financial planning.

Members of the bank are all equal shareholders no matter what position they hold. In order to promote equality and unity amongst members, the Microfinance team is looking to provide Caja uniforms to all bank members across our 8 different communities!

Help support this great initiative by donating a t-shirt to a Caja member! You can donate to provide an individual shirt for a Caja member or raise money with your chapter to provide uniforms for an entire Caja. Please see below for our fundraising goals for each Caja Rural:

Donate a uniform for an individual Caja member
Individual Caja Shirt: $10

Donate uniforms for an entire Caja Rural
Guaricayan (18 members): $180
Pajarillos (25 members): $250
El Canton (23 members): $230
Tomatin (13 members): $130
El Zurzular (25 members): $250
El Ojochal (29 members): $290
El Jute (18 members): $180
El Junco (14 members): $140

We need your help in raising a total of $1,650 in order to provide uniforms to all of our Caja Rurals!

If you have any questions please contact the Microfinance Program Advisor, Megan Dunlop at

53% Complete (success)

of $1,650.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

0% Complete (success)

of 8

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

No volunteers for this initiative.
Narissa Petchumrus donated $10 4190 days ago
Lindsay Rinder donated $10 4196 days ago
Anonymous donated $10 4198 days ago
Julie King donated $10 4230 days ago
Antonie Furlani donated $10 4234 days ago

No photos for this initiative.

No videos for this initiative.