The Bakery Motorcycle Project of El Canton


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Oct 1, 2013 12:00 AM

El Canton’s Caja Rural (community bank) was originally formed 10 years ago when a government official from the organization Caja Rural provided the initial training to 10 community leaders. The leaders formed a group, elected its board, and called it “Nueva Esperanza” (New Hope). Nueva Esperanza has been growing slowly for the past 10 years and sought out the help of Global Brigades in the fall of 2011.

Currently the Caja Rural in El Canton has 27 bank members. In November 2012, the Caja started its very first Micro-enterprise within the community. The micro-enterprise is a bakery mainly staffed by women members of the Caja. The women involved in the bakery are all shareholders of this business and share in the profits equally. The bakery has been a huge success in the community, selling donuts, banana bread, small pineapple pie, and much more! The women of the bakery are looking to expand their business by selling in nearby communities and larger town centers. However, this cannot be done without purchasing an appropriate vehicle in order to transport the products.

The bakery members are interested in purchasing a motorcycle that can be used for both the Caja and the bakery micro-enterprise. We need YOUR help in raising $1,500 to purchase the motorcycle for the Caja in El Canton. Help support this local business by donating today!

100% Complete (success)

of $1,500.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

0% Complete (success)

of 10

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

No volunteers for this initiative.
Amy Butler donated $50 4239 days ago
Diane Falgione donated $100 4241 days ago
Tony La Russo donated $100 4244 days ago
Gregory Williamson donated $20 4245 days ago
Jennifer Golen donated $100 4245 days ago

No photos for this initiative.

No videos for this initiative.