HSHS- Global Health Squad to Costa Rica, November 11-20, 2018


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Nov 11, 2018 4:28 PM
End Date: Nov 20, 2018 12:00 AM

The group will volunteer each weekday morning in a local school to resolve a public health challenge in the areas of Nutrition, Sanitation, and Dental Hygiene. In addition to providing educational workshops in the school, the group will experience the tangible accomplishment of a much needed enrichment project such as building wash stations, gardens, painting educational murals, and providing dental supplies and workshops. Global Health programs also include pre and during trip curriculum and workshops that examine the social determinants of health in the community as well as medical professional guest speakers and a tour of healthcare facilities in the community.

100% Complete (success)

of $15,400.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Alex Weske

Passionate about: MIssion work.

Victoria Kopidlansky

Passionate about: learning about different cultures and helping others
Activity details was updated 2270 days ago
Activity details was updated 2270 days ago
Emilie Virgilio donated $11 2294 days ago
Activity details was updated 2296 days ago
Activity details was updated 2297 days ago

No photos for this initiative.