Harbor Panama Summer Break 2016


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Jun 23, 2016 11:00 PM
End Date: Jul 3, 2016 11:00 PM

Travel to Panama and help us break ground on our school garden program in Balneario! Students will work alongside youth activists to start gardens, and plant food forests, then travel to the Mamoni Reserve and visit some of the last primary growth rainforests in Central America. The trip will wrap up with a vacation portion including a trip to the Panama Canal.

3% Complete (success)

of $63,558.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

40% Complete (success)

of 22

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Anna Andreasen

Passionate about: plants, animals, books, rocks, backpacking, learning, art

Gregory Pack

Passionate about: Put simply I am passionate about two things; adventure, and food. It took me years to learn that food wasn't simply a necessity to be scarfed with haste, but more of a question to be pondered. I learn... [Read More]

Hallie Brown

Passionate about: Among many things, I'm passionate about learning, traveling, being active and healthy, photography, environmental awareness and conservation.

Kelsey Hill

Passionate about: I'm passionate about helping others and making a difference in the world. I volunteer at my local Boys & Girls Club. I want to travel and see as much of our world as I can I love nature and all of... [Read More]
[Org. Admin] jordan globalstudentembassy.org donated $-4 3012 days ago
[Org. Admin] jordan globalstudentembassy.org donated $2 3019 days ago
[Org. Admin] jordan globalstudentembassy.org donated $-3 3080 days ago
Anonymous donated $639 3210 days ago
Susanne E Lehre donated $20 3216 days ago

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