Hempstead Medical Outreach trip to Panama 2016, Medication & Supply Fund


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Jan 4, 2016 11:00 PM

VAW at Hempstead will be opening up mobile medical clinics for local communities during their time in Panama.

One of the most exciting and important parts of volunteering with VAW is bringing medication to the less fortunate. In 2015, VAW treated over 30,000 patients and we aspire to treat over 50,000 in 2016. One of the things that make our mobile clinics unique is that we not only triage and diagnose patients, but also provide them with the basic medications needed. Fundraising for medications is a huge portion of creating a successful mobile clinic to help the local communities with effective care.


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Brianna Renda

Passionate about: Nutrition, Health and Wellness

Jasleen Kaur

Passionate about: Making a difference. It is very rewarding and satisfying to witness positive changes in people who I have helped with my ability and knowledge.

Jasmina Ehab

Passionate about: My passions vary from traveling, education and of course, medicine! Attending this medical mission trip to Panama gives me the opportunity to combine all my passions in one community service trip.

Kerrie Curnuck

Passionate about: Being a part of the medical field and really helping people out
Activity details were updated 3257 days ago
Magdalla Ganthier donated $75 3355 days ago
Edowaye Enabulele donated $20 3358 days ago
Activity details were updated 3377 days ago
Anonymous donated $375 3378 days ago

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