Hospital Internship Dominican Republic, Group 3


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Aug 6, 2015 12:00 AM
End Date: Aug 20, 2015 12:00 AM

Join the VAW Hospital Internship in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! Work side by side with experienced surgeons, ER doctors, and residents in the Hospital Docente Universitario Dr. Dario Contreras. Please see our website ( for more information or send us and email at

PLEASE NOTE: You must fill out an application and be interviewed to be accepted into this program.


Thank you for your support!

75% Complete (success)

of 8

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Lauren Alpen

Passionate about: My wanderlust, accompanied by my deeply rooted passion for children and medicine, drives my desire to be apart of global health and international medicine. Having been given these opportunities, I on... [Read More]


Passionate about: Service

Roshni Patel

Passionate about: I am passionate about helping other and learning about new cultures as well as traveling.

Valencia Panczyk

Passionate about: I love learning, laughing and making a difference. The idea that everyday there is the possibility to do any one of those things is outstanding. I am passionate about Neurology and work everyday to bu... [Read More]
Activity details were updated 2903 days ago
Lauren Alpen donated $2,300 3538 days ago
patel_a_kajal donated $2,300 3539 days ago
patel_a_kajal donated $2,300 3539 days ago
patel_a_kajal donated $2,300 3539 days ago

No photos for this initiative.

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