Hospital Internship Dominican Republic, Session 1, July 2018


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Jun 30, 2018 2:45 PM
End Date: Jul 14, 2018 12:00 AM

Join the VAW Hospital Internship in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! Work side by side with experienced surgeons, ER doctors, and residents in the Hospital Docente Universitario Dr. Dario Contreras. Please see our website ( for more information or send us and email at

PLEASE NOTE: You must fill out an application and be interviewed to be accepted into this program.


Thank you for your support!

66% Complete (success)

of 12

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Cayley Johnson

Passionate about: I am very passionate about serving others and putting a smile on someone else's face. I'm so thankful for this opportunity to serve others while working towards my goal of becoming a PA!!

Sandra Alcaraz

Passionate about: Hello! I am currently in the Pre-Health Track at the College of Arts ans Science at New York University. I am a native New Yorker and live with my parents and six siblings. I have always had a passion... [Read More]
Activity details were updated 2445 days ago
Sandra E Alcaraz donated $104 2461 days ago
Roman Pacheco donated $96 2461 days ago
Sandra E Alcaraz donated $200 2462 days ago
Maria May donated $500 2462 days ago

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