Take a Stand and Give a Seat


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Aug 2, 2013 10:30 PM

Update January 2013: Due to poor resources and carpentry used to construct the first set of desks, we were heartbroken to discover piles of broken desks in empty classrooms this past rainy season while students were away helping pick coffee with their families.

We are revamping this fundraiser to amend our shortcomings to reconstruct our desks using a trusted carpenter and far more superior resources. We are looking at $23 USD per desk to make 90 desks to replace the ones that were broken as soon as possible as coffee season is wrapping up and classes are in session for the students.

**ALL ADDITIONAL FUNDS RAISED will go towards much needed school books and supplies for the classes in Santa Rosa and Zurzular, and medical equipment for Architecture Brigades\\\\\\\' future health center in El Canton. We broke ground on the health center in March 2012 and are progressing towards its construction and sustainability!


Architecture Brigades and the children of Honduras need your help!

Can you imagine going to class only to find that there are no desks? You are left with only three options: sitting on the floor all day, standing, or going home. Unfortunately, this is the current situation in two community projects, and this is why we need your help.

The children of Santa Rosa and Zurzular are eager to begin classes on Monday, February 20th in their brand new classrooms, which were completed by Architecture Brigades this year. However, we were just informed that due to a lack of funds in the municipal governments, there are no desks in any of the new classrooms. Please help us fill their beautiful, new, and empty classrooms with the desks the students need to learn!

There are three classrooms in each of the new Centro Basicos (secondary schools) in Santa Rosa and Zurzular. With an average of 30 students studying in grades 7-9 each year, each school is lacking 90 desks, meaning our projects are short 180 desks in total. Our goal is to raise enough money to provide our new schools with enough desks to fill their classrooms, and finish the job we started!

- 1 desk costs $22
- 1 whiteboard costs $100

180 desks x $22 (90 for Santa Rosa, 90 for Zurzular)
+ 3 new whiteboards x $100 (Zurzular already has chalkboards)
= $4,260

Please contribute anything you can - even just $1 will make an immediate difference and a lasting impact in the lives of these students.

Help us meet our goal of raising $4,260 by Friday, February 24th so that we can fill the classrooms in Santa Rosa and Zurzular!

Please direct all questions regarding this fundraising campaign and other Architecture Brigades projects in Honduras to Aya Obara aya.obara@globalbrigades.org.

91% Complete (success)

of $7,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

25% Complete (success)

of 20

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Timothy Gonzales Jr. donated $522 4355 days ago
Timothy Gonzales Jr. donated $522 4355 days ago
Activity details was updated 4355 days ago
Activity details were updated 4370 days ago
Activity details were updated 4370 days ago

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