Training Masons, Protecting Futures


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Dec 1, 2012 12:00 AM

Global Architecture Brigades (GAB) is making great progress on both the Secondary School in Santa Rosa and the Clinic in El Canton!

**Health Clinic, El Canton, Teupasanti El Paraiso**

While a great foundation can support structures for some time, the lifespan of these projects increases exponentially with a training program for community members to gain skills while working. As part of our exit strategy and sustainability of projects in the communities we work in, Architecture Brigades is excited to announce the Community Builders Council (CBC)!

Community members that participate on the CBC are trained by nationally accredited instructors to help organize, construct, and maintain their specific projects. These dedicated volunteers make it possible for Global Brigades to confidently engage in community exit strategies!

Latin America’s standard mason certificate generally consists of 26 training modules, including:
• Foundations
• Block Laying
• Plastering
• Electricity, and much more!

Since the communities\' access to these programs is extremely limited, Architecture Brigades wants to bring the instructors to them! In addition to hiring this professional aid, we’re going to provide the supplies needed for each of the modules.

As the Fall season sees less brigaders come in-country, the entire community of El Canton has been lending a hand wherever possible. Whether it’s the mayor transporting sand or neighbors working together to carry rocks up from the river, people are doing whatever they can to help.

Since most GAB volunteers will be attending school throughout the Fall season, everyone can help out from home. Our current challenge to overcome is simply acquiring all of the project materials in order to move forward with construction.

Unfortunately during the coming months, these communities face the prospect of having their projects come to a halt due to the lack of materials. As community members worked side-by-side with volunteers in the last few months on these projects, they are eager to get back to work as soon as possible!

Still, there is only so much work they can do without materials. We need your support! Any amount of donation at all goes a long way in helping out and every cent of it goes directly towards these projects.


Objective: Certify 25 community members in the 4 first modules of Masons Training

Summary for Training One Mason:
Materials: $213.77
$10/day trainers allowance x 45 dias = $450/ 25 = $18
$231.77 per student mason (based on 25 students)


3% Complete (success)

of $5,795.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

No volunteers for this initiative.
Anonymous donated $200 4494 days ago
Activity details were updated 4539 days ago

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