Water Party MIA 2014


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Aug 26, 2014 12:00 AM
End Date: Nov 18, 2014 12:00 AM

When: November 15th
6:30 PM- 10:30 PM
Where: At the Coral Gables Collection

The night will be a celebration filled with music, food from some of the MIA’ most remarkable restaurants, drinks, raffles, silent auction and so much more; not to mention a united effort to bring clean, safe drinking WATER to those less fortunate.

It is our hope you’ll join us at our 4th Annual Water Party MIA – minimum donation $35 in advance ($40 at the door).

To buy your tickets NOW or simply make a donation to our campaign,
Minimum donation: $35

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Thank you for your support!

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Brenda Cortes

Passionate about: Life (best gift), traveling (best memories) and laughter (best food for the soul)

Dan mucerino

Passionate about: Food, Life, Traveling, Helping others

Denise Erwin

Passionate about: BULLA GASTROBAR AND PISCO Y NAZCA are excited to be able to be part of this great cause, please donate here for your tickets.

Farrah Marin-Serralta

Passionate about: Empowering the less fortunate so that their tomorrow is brighter; filled with attainable hopes and dreams.

Tania Marin

Passionate about: ... Solving the Global WATER Crisis in our lifetime!
Gisela De Armas donated $25 3720 days ago
vania giordano donated $150 3756 days ago
James A Sawyer donated $125 3778 days ago
Lorraine d erwin donated $175 3781 days ago
Brenda Cortes donated $35 3783 days ago

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