Asilo Fence Fund, Panama


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Oct 1, 2017 12:00 AM

"Hello friends,

This summer, Rice Volunteers Around the World went to Bocas del Toro in Panama where we, among other things, volunteered at Casa de Asilo, an assisted living facility for the elderly and mentally disabled. There, we met residents like Martha (pictured below), who has severe OCD leading to compulsions that include wandering around the yard picking up grass, especially near the back fence. However, for over a year now, Asilo has been dealing with the problem of a collapsed seawall under the surrounding fence, rendering a portion of the yard vulnerable to the ocean and dangerous rocks. Two residents, including Martha, have already fallen in, almost drowning. Because there are not enough employees to watch after them, these residents now have to be tied down during the day so they won’t put themselves in further danger.

If we are able to raise $6000, we will be able to repair the damaged portion of the concrete fence, and allow these residents to wander freely again. Please join us in supporting this important cause by donating and sharing this page with others.

Rice VAW"

0% Complete (success)

of $6,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

0% Complete (success)

of 6,000

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Jessica Yi donated $29 2644 days ago
Nicholas Calafat donated $25 2644 days ago
Colin Losey donated $435 2645 days ago
Alison Liu donated $100 2653 days ago
Alexandra E. Acosta donated $250 2715 days ago

No videos for this initiative.