VAW Trip Raffle


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Apr 20, 2017 12:00 AM

Win a free trip with Volunteer Around the World! VAW will cover the cost of the winner's airfare and there will be no trip fees. The winner can travel with Volunteers Around the World to any of our sites.

Note: this trip must be taken during 2017. If you are traveling with or have already traveled with VAW in 2017 you can be reimbursed for the airfare and trip fees on the trip you are scheduled to take or have already taken! $10 will buy you a chance to win and at the same time you will support a great cause!

VAW is doing this to raise money for the many people we come across with a special need. Every year we encounter children and even adults who have sustained a significant injury or are very sick and cannot afford proper treatment. Recently VAW raised $1500 to help a little girl in Peru get surgery to fix her arm that never healed properly after it was broken. We want to start a fund to raise money for the other people we know we will meet this year.

The way it works:

$10 will buy you one ticket. $50 will buy you 7 tickets. $100 will buy you 15 tickets. On April 21st we will draw the winner. If you win, you will be given free airfare and free trip fees on any VAW trip. If you have already paid in-part or in-full for a trip in 2017 – you will be reimbursed!

The one caveat is we need to raise at least $5000 for it to make sense to do this raffle, so tell all of your friends and share the Facebook posts to get more people involved!

That’s it! $10 gets you a chance to win big and at the same time you get to support a great cause!

Best of luck to you!

0% Complete (success)

of $15,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 0

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

No volunteers for this initiative.
Activity details were updated 2869 days ago
Activity details were updated 2869 days ago
Activity details were updated 2869 days ago
Activity details were updated 2870 days ago
Activity details were updated 2870 days ago

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