Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Sep 8, 2013 12:00 AM

\"Quenching the Thirst\"

Joe Ferrari, by the grace of God, will be Ordained as a Permanent Deacon for the Diocese of Joliet, IL, on Saturday, August 17, 2013.
Celebrating this event, Joe welcomes financial donations to Water Brigades. This national non-profit organization (with a Chapter established at DePaul in 2012) works alongside local community members in Honduras to implement water projects. The next Water Brigade from DePaul (approximately 20 students) will leave December 2013 to spend 9 days in Honduras.

In Honduras, gravity-powered systems typically provide some amounts of water to local communities. However, not all communities live below the gravity-powered system, requiring electric water pumps to be installed throughout the community. Donations allow a pump and well system to be installed ensuring that all the community members have clean, sufficient amounts of water. A medium sized electric pump costs $4,500 (for digging, pipes, electricity, parts, maintenance), able to supply a continuous flow of 10k gallons per day to a community of approximately 150 to 300 people.

All contributions through are targeted for a “Parish of St Margaret Mary Well.”

Joe decided that instead of personal gifts for his Ordination, family and friends offer funds to provide water to communities, reflective of our commitment to service and sacrifice to others as we are called to do by Christ. The donations will reflect his home parish of SMMP.

Please contribute to this initiative, remembering that SMMP is “the parish with heart.” All contributions are tax deductable (an email receipt is supplied after your donation). You may use a VISA or Discover credit card, at this secure website.

**Please click the orange DONATE button on the right to begin the process OR send a check, made out to Joe Ferrari, who will donate the funds online.**

THANK YOU for helping others.

For more information:

Visit Global Water Brigades at

If you have any questions about Water Brigades at DePaul University, please contact:

Sanna Kenney
Student coordinator of GB-Water at DePaul

If you have or technical difficulties posting your gift donation, please contact:

Radhika Patel
Global Brigades Advisor

** if you prefer to send a personal check or money order, please mail your donation to:

Joe Ferrari
555 Columbine Avenue
Lisle, IL USA 60532

62% Complete (success)

of $4,500.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

0% Complete (success)

of 250

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

No volunteers for this initiative.
Joseph Baxter donated $50 4219 days ago
Fred Straub donated $50 4221 days ago
Activity details were updated 4222 days ago
David Nalezny donated $100 4227 days ago
Bernard L. Dugoni donated $50 4231 days ago

No photos for this initiative.

No videos for this initiative.