World Water Day 2014!


Fundraising Campaign Description

End Date: Mar 25, 2014 12:00 AM

On World Water Day, we celebrate the importance of water in our daily lives. We need it to hydrate, to cook, to clean, and to bathe. Yet, thousands of people living in rural Honduras lack access to an adequate supply of clean water. Many must survive on only three gallons of water per day and often need to lug this precious resource for several kilometers just to have it in their homes.

The Global Brigades Water Program thus works to build sustainable water systems in rural Honduras. The Water Team, student volunteers, and community members work together to dig trenches, lay piping, and build systems connecting each family with an adequate supply of clean water.

To celebrate World Water Day, please support Global Brigades in the construction of water systems in rural Honduras. All donations will be directed towards the construction of a water system designed to provide a Honduran community with an adequate supply of clean water to meet their health and sanitation needs.

26% Complete (success)

of $4,000.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

0% Complete (success)

of 20

fundraisers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

No volunteers for this initiative.
Carly Rohs donated $359 3991 days ago
Leah K Flatman donated $140 4008 days ago

No photos for this initiative.

No videos for this initiative.