Movement Exchange at WMU: Panama 2017


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Dec 12, 2016 9:42 PM
End Date: Apr 7, 2017 12:00 AM

Movement Exchange at WMU will be going to Panama to serve through dance during their summer break.


Thank you for your support!

90% Complete (success)

of 22

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Alicia Sanfillippo

Passionate about: I fell in love with dancing very young, and I continue to grow increasingly more passionate about it as I pursue a degree in dance. It is a unique art form that has provided me with the opportunities ... [Read More]

Alyssa Brutlag

Passionate about: Dance has been a passion from the start. I have always looked up to older dancers, teachers, and dance mentors who have changed my life and shared with me the wonderful gift of dance. I hope to contin... [Read More]

Alyssa Smith

Passionate about: I have been dancing for as long as I can remember, and am incredibly privileged to be studying this impeccable art form each and everyday. Being a dance major I am always asked, “What are you go... [Read More]

Amanda Spiess

Passionate about: My passion for dance sparked the second I set foot into the studio as a very young girl. As I grew older and life got busier, I knew dance was the one thing in my life I could not let slip away. My pa... [Read More]

AnnMarie Aulbach

Passionate about: Passionate about: Dance and serving. I have been dancing for as long as I can remember. Anyone one who knows me knows that dance is something I love to pour my heart and soul into, and even more it's ... [Read More]

Caroline Smith

Passionate about: I have been dancing my entire life, but I really became passionate about it in middle school. I worked really hard in all my classes and made my way to teaching at my studio. When I started teaching, ... [Read More]
Activity details were updated 2938 days ago
Activity details were updated 2938 days ago
Activity details were updated 2938 days ago
Activity details were updated 2938 days ago
Diane Fuchs donated $25 2940 days ago

No videos for this initiative.