Movement Exchange at WMU: Panama 2019


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Jan 17, 2019 8:34 PM
End Date: May 6, 2019 12:00 AM

Movement Exchange at WMU will be attending an international dance exchange in Panama from May 6-13, 2019.

20% Complete (success)

of $13,900.00

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

100% Complete (success)

of 10

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Allie Renner

Passionate about: I am passionate about providing sustainable dance education for kids in Panama, and broadening my cultural understanding for dance.

Brooklyn Hayes

Passionate about: dance and service!

Emma Kuechler

Passionate about: Dance and outreach!

Hannah Liddicoat

Passionate about: Move to change!

Madelyn Donovan

Passionate about: More than ever, I feel moved to MOVE. To use dance to create real change and growth in the lives of others. My heart is so passionate about spreading Light, dancing to connect and communicate with ... [Read More]
Allie Renner donated $30 2164 days ago
Allie Renner donated $860 2166 days ago
Anonymous donated $390 2168 days ago
Jeff and Linda Sing donated $100 2171 days ago
Roberta Steward donated $25 2192 days ago

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