Movement Exchange at WMU: Panama 2016


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: May 9, 2016 11:00 PM
End Date: May 16, 2016 11:00 PM

Movement Exchange at WMU will be going to Panama to serve through dance during their summer break.


Thank you for your support!

94% Complete (success)

of 17

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Alyssa Smith

Passionate about: I have been dancing for as long as I can remember, and am incredibly privileged to be studying this impeccable art form each and everyday. Being a dance major I am always asked, “What are you go... [Read More]

Amy Russell

Passionate about: Throughout my life, I have found a passion for dance and helping others. Dance has acted as a support system for me during difficult times, and I have always loved being able to help others find that ... [Read More]

Brittany Latta

Passionate about: I dance because I truly enjoy the constant challenge, persistence, and desire to connect with others through movement. Dance is the one consistent thing that has always remained in my life, e... [Read More]

Galina Vander Meer

Passionate about: My two passions are dance and education; I am currently in school for both. My goal is to become a teacher in an elementary school and a dance teacher. I have found a love for both and am excited to s... [Read More]

Izzabella Irwin

Passionate about: I am passionate about teaching dance and allowing those who do not have access to dance classes able to connect with their bodies through creative movement. I love helping people in any way I can and ... [Read More]

Kami Miller

Passionate about: I am so blessed to be traveling to Panama with Movement Exchange for the third time! For those of you that don't know, Movement Exchange is an organization that unites dance and service. We travel to ... [Read More]
Activity details were updated 2964 days ago
Mary Kay Donovan donated $100 3257 days ago
Anonymous donated $282 3257 days ago
Beth Ann Meints donated $100 3258 days ago
Anonymous donated $100 3258 days ago

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