Movement Exchange at WMU: Panama 2018


Volunteer Activity Description

Start Date: Jan 7, 2018 10:26 PM
End Date: Apr 6, 2018 12:00 AM

Movement Exchange at WMU will be attending an international dance exchange in Panama from May 6-13, 207.

29% Complete (success)

of $27,800.01

in donations needed to reach the Initiative Goal


Thank you for your support!

90% Complete (success)

of 21

volunteers needed to reach the Initiative Goal

Allie Renner

Passionate about: I am passionate about dance and spreading awareness of its capabilities and possibilities for a change in life.

Alyssa Smith

Passionate about: I have been dancing for as long as I can remember, and am incredibly privileged to be studying this impeccable art form each and everyday. Being a dance major I am always asked, “What are you go... [Read More]

Amanda Spiess

Passionate about: My passion for dance sparked the second I set foot into the studio as a very young girl. As I grew older and life got busier, I knew dance was the one thing in my life I could not let slip away. My pa... [Read More]
Emily Leatherberry donated $20 2530 days ago
Allie Renner donated $821 2530 days ago
Maddie Kunert donated $521 2530 days ago
Kyleigh Terris donated $7 2531 days ago
Tamara S Charvat donated $191 2531 days ago

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